Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fred Barnes' Crystal Ball

Fred Barnes has seen the future, and it is not pretty:

...the worst case scenario is now a distinct possibility: a Democrat in the White House, a Democratic Senate with a filibuster-proof majority, and a Democratic House with a bolstered majority.

If this scenario unfolds, Washington would become a solidly liberal town
again for the first time in decades. And the prospects of passing the liberal
agenda--nearly all of it--would be bright. Enacting major parts of it would be
even brighter.

...permit organized labor to unionize the private sector without winning a
certification election by secret ballot....

...Democrats might go after.... right-to-work laws....

...killing conservative talk radio--[via] the so-called fairness doctrine--would stand an excellent chance of becoming law....

...Obama would nominate liberals to fill Supreme Court vacancies....

...free trade agreements would become a thing of the past...

...[Obama's] described [his health care plan] as step or two away from a single payer, government-run health system like Canada's....

...Obama has called for increasing the tax rate on capital gains, dividends, and the income of top earners, and raising the cap on payroll taxes. But tax hikes would worsen, not stimulate, a weak economy....

...cap and trade.... would drive up the cost of energy, another downer for the economy....

...a quick troop exit from Iraq and presidential-level talks with anti-American

Unfortunately, my crystal ball does not look any better than Fred Barnes.